
State Program Endorsed by Wastewater Consultant
Saturday, August 31, 2019
case studies

State Program Endorsed by Wastewater Consultant

The Situation:
In a Southeast, OH town, the wastewater plant strives to preserve customer satisfaction by controlling high H2S levels and nasty odors.

The Problem:
The wastewater plant sought a solution that would alleviate an odor and H2S issue in a long run sewer system (7 miles plus a 10 mile run). They wanted to trial a solution prior to a massive capital project that would combine and bypass the two runs totaling 17 miles.

The Solution:
With a consulting firm representative in attendance, State conducted a presentation for the county. After some hesitation, the representative agreed that our approach to use Pit Raider™ and Nutri Pro™ was worth a try. We used a single feed point at the beginning of the line and the results were great, with H2S readings dropping from 500ppm to less than 10 ppm. The trial lasted 90 days.

The Result:

The consultant was very impressed with the results and suggested we call on the wastewater plant in the neighboring county. During our first call, we met with personnel from both wastewater plant teams. We discussed plans to rehab several manholes that were badly deteriorated. We suggested a program that included both Pit Raider and Nutri Pro, which the consultant endorsed. This resulted in a 90-day trial that produced desirable results. Since then, we have added five more sewer lines and the account is continuing to expand.

The Benefits:

State provides the wastewater treatment needed to keep manholes from corroding, prolonging their lifespan. Our solutions save money by minimizing the amount of required scheduled maintenance and maximizing efficiency.